viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013



CLIL refers to any educational situation in which additional language is used for the teaching of subjects other than the language.

This approach isn`t exclusively oriented of the Foreign Language and Foreign Language content.

It arises to answer to new challenges encountered by globalization, TICs, mobility, relevance of creativity…


It contributes to the acquisition of intercultural competence and the understanding of a global citizenship
The capabilities of the students are stimulated

It provides opportunities for students to perform the necessary transition to syntactic processing that requires linguistic production

It generates meaningful corrections between curricular materials.

It employs a teaching methodology more adequately prepared for the demands of the world of work.

The teacher is more conscious about the language value

Teacher work in collaboration and they adopt innovative methodological strategies.

Students show a superior performance in linguistic competence

Students ‘attitudes towards the language are more positive.

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